21 December 2017 | Aschaffenburg
bayernhafen Aschaffenburg donates € 3,500 to a children’s hospice in Aschaffenburg

The society “Outpatient Hospice Service for Children and Young People Society” cares for children suffering from terminal illnesses.
Instead of buying Christmas presents for our customers and business partners, bayernhafen Aschaffenburg will this year once again support the work of a charity in the region.
The Christmas donation of € 3,500 will go to the ‘Ambulanter Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst Aschaffenburg’ (Outpatient Hospice Service for Children and Young People Society).
The society is a member of the German Children’s Hospice Society and cares for children suffering from terminal illnesses. The society supports the children, their siblings and parents from the moment of diagnosis on throughout the course of their remaining lives. The society’s work focuses on life in its myriad of colours, death and the period of time following the death of the children.
We hope our financial support will contribute to making the world of these children and their families a little bit better.